I have previously written several articles on pregnancy myths, these are beliefs that other people usually follow as part of their culture like eating twin bananas will give rise to twin pregnancies, eating eggplants will make your baby's skin darker.
I have heard one of my patients say this " Dra, iniwasan ko naman magkamot kahit ang kati-kati pero bakit nagka stretchmark pa din ako (Dr. I have tried my best not to scratch even if the skin is very itchy but why did I still have stretchmarks)?" I explained to her that scratching has no role in the appearance of stretchmarks and even though how much scratching is done its has no effect on the severity of stretchmarks but scratching definitely has an effect on the appearance of secondary skin infection.
FACT: Scratching Does Not Cause Stretchmarks!!
Another MYTH: Lotions, Aloe Vera, Cocoa Butter can prevent stretchmarks.
FACT: No creams can prevent stretchmarks. Creams only moisturizes your skin but doesn't prevent it from being stretched.
MYTH: Stretchmark stays forever
FACT: Stretchmark can now be cured. Laser Treatment specially Fractional C02 showed promising results on the removal of stretchmarks.
There is one product that helps reduce the hyperpigmentation caused by laser treatment, helps generate collagen and helps tighten and whiten the skin and even safe on pregnant moms - The Celesty Flora Stretchmark Erase
I am an OB-GYN in practice for 9 years and never did I encounter a treatment as effective as the combination of Fractional C02 and Celesty Flora Stretchmark Eraser in the removal of stretchmark. I have personally made a research on this to prove its efficacy and the study can be read at this link
I believe that I cannot be talking about its efficacy if I haven't proven it myself.
As for the machine that removes stretchmarks, I personally went to Italy to train in using this particular machine. I was invited to present the research paper I made on stretchmarks so I took the chance to train with Italy's best doctors who have used the machines for so long. I'm sure everybody wouldn't want to be treated by just anyone with inadequate knowledge, besides Fractional C02 treatment is pretty expensive and each patient should be handled by the best available physician there is. Anybody can learn how to use laser in just one day but it's the principle behind the treatment, the careful selection of parameters and the hand-me-down knowledge, tips and lots of personal experiences shared by well known surgeons that made me different from the rest. I am not underestimating the capacity of other doctors nor am I bragging about myself but it's good for my patients and readers to know that I have devoted a year of research exclusively on stretchmarks and the paper gained international recognition. I have been invited to speak twice internationally on well known congresses like Aesthetic Asia 2012 and Laser Florence 2012. Just an additional information and enough evidence to make you feel comfortable knowing you are in good hands should you choose to avail of my services.
SO, Scratching does not cause stretchmarks and stretchmarks does not stay forever.
This blog is dedicated to WOMEN...all about their experiences..their health, their sexual problems, their role as a wife, a mother, a daughter. Sometimes this would include travels made by the author and other medically related posts that is related to being a woman.
The author is a woman and she is loving every minute of it.
Tuesday, November 27, 2012
Pregnancy Myth: Stretchmarks are Caused by Scratching
Thursday, November 22, 2012
Fractional C02 for the Removal of Stretchmarks
Uploaded by shinagawaph on Feb 19, 2012
Shinagawa PH's resident stretchmark specialist - Dr. Des Manlapaz-Gonzales, OB Gyn / Aesthetic Gynecologist, talks about the wonders of Fractional CO2 Laser. For inquiries, please visit http://shinagawa.ph and "Contact Us."
Science & Technology
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Fractional C02,
Stretchmark Removal
Sunday, November 11, 2012
Roasted Garlic and its Health Benefits
I love the smell of garlic being sauteed in either oil or butter but the taste of garlic may be edible for some yet non palatable for others. It is maybe the sting it leaves your tongue or the smell of your after breath. But did you kow that garlic is one of the most valuable and versatile foods on the planet? Garlic belongs to the Allium family of vegetables which also includes onions, chives, shallots and leeks.
According to an article by http://www.disabled-world.com garlic is a widely recognized health enhancing supplement. Garlic promotes the well-being of the heart and immune systems with antioxidant properties and helps maintain healthy blood circulation. One of garlic's most potent health benefits includes the ability to enhance the body's immune cell activity.
Allicin a sulfur compoud that is the active component in garlic is the chemical produced when garlic is chopped, chewed, or bruised. Allicin is quite powerful as an antibiotic and a potent agent that helps the body to inhibit the ability of germs to grow and reproduce. In fact, it's said that 1 milligram of allicin has a potency of 15 standard units of penicillin.
I remember when remote provinces and older population uses garlic as first aid treatment.
There are now over 12 studies published around the world that confirm that garlic can reduce cholesterol.
Recently researchers in Oxford and America have published some summaries of all the good data on garlic. Garlic is known to stimulate T-lymphocyte and macrophage action, promote interleukin-1 levels, and support natural killer cells. Strong activity of these key cells promotes healthy immune system function, and strengthens the body's defenses.
Where did garlic came from?
Garlic was rare in traditional English cuisine (though it is said to have been grown in England before 1548), and has been a much more common ingredient in Mediterranean Europe.
Builders of the ancient pyramids were said to eat garlic daily for enhanced endurance and strength.
Garlic was placed by the ancient Greeks on the piles of stones at cross-roads, as a supper for Hecate.
Roman emperors couldn't eat enough of it, as it was considered an antidote to poisons which were very popular in certain political circles of the time.
The Spanish have long used garlic as a preservative which helps to add creadence to it's anti-bacterial properties and whole books have been devoted to the health benefits of garlic.
The inhabitants of Pelusium in lower Egypt, who worshipped the onion, are said to have had an aversion to both onions and garlic as food.
European beliefs once considered garlic a powerful ward against demons, werewolves, and vampires. To ward off vampires, garlic could be worn, hung in windows or rubbed on chimneys and keyholes.
Garlic Facts
Garlic has germanium in it. Germanium is an anti-cancer agent, and garlic has more of it than any other herb. In lab tests, mice fed garlic showed no cancer development, whereas mice that weren't fed garlic showed at least some. In fact, garlic has been shown to retard tumor growth in human subjects in some parts of the world.
Another benefit of garlic is it helps regulate the body's blood pressure. So whether you have problems with low or high blood pressure, garlic can help equalize it.
Garlic helps strengthen your body's defenses against allergies; helps loosen plaque from the artery walls; helps regulate your blood sugar levels; and is the best choice for killing and expelling parasites such as pin worms from the human body.
In addition to all these health benefits, garlic is packed with vitamins and nutrients. Some of these include protein, potassium, Vitamins A, B, B2 and C, Calcium, Zinc and many others.
In a 12-week, double-blind, placebo-controlled study, allicin powder was found to reduce the incidence of the common cold by over 50%.
Garlic and onions are toxic to cats and dogs.
Garlic can thin the blood similar to the effect of aspirin.
Drinking lemon juice or eating a few slices of lemon will stop bad garlic breath.
It is traditional to plant garlic on the shortest day of the year. Whether this is for symbolic or practical reasons is unclear.
Garlic for Health
Today, we know garlic is an excellent herb for creating and maintaining overall health, but it also has many lesser known, but powerful qualities. For example, many people don't know that it's a naturally powerful antibiotic. This natural antibiotic is effective against toxic bacteria, viruses, and fungus. Available in pills, capsules, liquid and actual raw cloves, garlic is one of the most popular healthy herbs around today.
Garlic helps platelet stickiness or aggregation to help reduce blood coagulation, and promote heart health.
The antioxidant properties of garlic help scavenge harmful free radicals, which can damage LDL (bad) cholesterol in the blood stream.
Garlic also promotes increased bile production to help reduce levels of fat in the liver. Garlic pills also help ward off coughs and colds.
Garlic and Your Heart.
The positive effect of garlic on your circulatory system is extremely well documented and it has been proved to:
lower blood pressure
decrease platelet aggregation
lower serum triglycerides and LDL-cholesterol ( the bad type) levels
increase serum HDL-cholesterol (the good type) and fibrinolysis (the process through which the body breaks up blood clots.)
Plus it stimulates the production of nitric oxide in the lining of blood vessel walls, a substance that helps them to relax.
As a result of these beneficial actions garlic helps to prevent arteriosclerosis and thereby reduces the risk of heart attack or stroke.
Two or three cloves a day have cut the risk of subsequent heart attacks in half in heart patients.
One reason for these beneficial effects may be garlic's ability to reduce the amount of free radicals in the bloodstream. According to a study published in Life Sciences, a daily dose of 1 ml/kg body weight of garlic extract for a period of 6 months resulted in a significant reduction in oxidant (free radical) stress in the blood of arteriosclerosis patients. It's positive effect on the circulatory system improves blood flow throughout the body so has even been hailed as a cure for impotence!
You can read the full article published by Disabled World Towards Tomorrow here.
1. Peel off the outermost thinnest layer of garlic skin.
2. Cut 4-5 mm off the garlic top to expose each individual garlic.
3. Put each clove in a muffin pan. Spread butter or oil on top. Sprinkle basil leaves, Cayenne Pepper and Black Pepper or whatever herb available to you.
4.Put garlic in a preheated oven 230'c for 15 minutes.
Then your garlics are ready to serve with grilled steaks, chicken or fish.
Happy Roasting.
Sunday, October 14, 2012
My Own Version of Tiramisu
I was inspired by Master Chef Season 3 episode on the hosts' favorite desserts: a Trifle for Gordon Ramsay, a strawberry shortcake for Graham Elliot and a Tiramisu for Joe Biastachi.
I love Italian food more so Italian desserts. I never taught that Tiramisu has Italian origin. I taught it was Japanese by the sound of it.
Tiramisu is an Italian cake and dessert. It is made of ladyfingers (Italian: Savoiardi) dipped in coffee and rhum, layered with a whipped mixture of egg yolks and mascarpone cheese, and flavored with liquor and cocoa.
Alternatively, it has its origins in 1969, accounts by Carminantonio Iannaccone (as a researched and written about by The Washington Post) establish the creation of tiramisu by him on 24 December 1969 in Via Sottotreviso while he was head chef at Treviso, near Venice
The translation of the name Italian tiramisù (tirami sù) means "pick-me-up" (metaphorically, "make me happy"). This may refer to the caffeine in the espresso and effect of cocoa used in the recipe.
So here is my version of Tiramisu.
custard filling:
4 egg yolks
15 ml white rhum (optional)
250 ml all purpose cream
cubes of butter
3 tsp all purpose flour
Mascarpone cheese***
whipped cream:
4 egg whites
white sugar
coffee dip:
white rhum
24 pieces ladyfingers
cocoa powder
Step 1. Seperate 4 egg yolks from the egg whites in 2 mixing bowls.
Step 2. Mix the egg yolk, sugar, white rhum, butter, 1/2 of the 250 ml all purpose cream and flour until mixture is homogenous, Cook in a pan (you dont want to get Salmonella by eating raw egg yolks) and bring the mixture to a boil while constantly stirring and until thick. Set aside and let cool.
Step 3. Whisk in the egg whites and white sugar until foamy and thick.
Step 4. Fold in the eggwhite mixture into the custard mixture. Fold in slowly and do not beat. Set Aside.
Step 5. Make the espresso mixture just like when you are making your coffee. Add white rhum and a little sugar.
Step 6. Dip the lady fingers into the coffee mixture very fast. Not to make it very soft. Then arrange it in a square pan.
Step 7. Pour over the custard filling. You may choose to sift cocoa powder before adding another layer of dipped lady fingers if you want a more bitter taste.
Step 8. Repeat Step 6 and 7
Step 9. Finish with cocoa powder on top of the second layer of custard filling
Step 10. Keep in Fridge for 6 hours before serving.
You can play on the flavors and add some fruits. I hope you enjoy yours as I enjoyed mine. Once you do this you will never buy Tiramisu again but instead make your own.
Happy Cooking!
Tuesday, October 2, 2012
Studies Supporting Yogurt Use in the treatment of Several Infections Including Vaginal Yeast Infections
This page was reposted from the Official Website of the National Yogurt's Association. I decided to repost this because a comment came in to my other weblog asking for research evidences and I led him to this page. I do agree that even though results are very promising, more studies are still needed to be done in orther for the results to be conclusive.
The following summarizes some of the important medical research conducted to date on the potential benefits of yogurt. Note that more studies need to be done before all of the evidence is considered conclusive.
- Yogurt and the Immune System
- Yogurt and Lactose Absorption in Lactose-Deficient Patients
- Yogurt and Vulvovaginal Candidal (Yeast) Infections
- Cultural Model for Healthy Eating
- Childhood Diarrhea and Milk Products
- Colon Cancer and Yogurt
- Cancer Chemotherapy Patients and Yogurt
Yogurt and the Immune System
A report from Tufts University indicates that the potential health attributes associated with eating yogurt stretch beyond protein and calcium. According to an article by Simin Nikbin Meydani, Ph.D. in theAmerican Journal of Clinical Nutrition (Am. J. Clin. Nutr. 2000; 71:861-72), yogurt may help make the immune system more resilient. Given the right circumstances, eating yogurt may help protect the intestinal tract. As a result, yogurt has great potential as a protective, anti-infection agent. Preliminary research indicates that increased yogurt consumption might help increase one's resistance to immune-related diseases such as cancer and infection, particularly gastrointestinal infection. This is believed to be in part due to the live and active cultures (LAC) found in yogurt.
Yogurt and Lactose Absorption in Lactose-Deficient Patients
Beta-galactosidase, an enzyme that is contained in some yogurts, helps improve lactose absorption in lactase-deficient patients. C.M. Kotz et. al. (J. Dairy Sci. 1994 Dec: 77 [12]; 3538-44) illustrated this point in a study that administered equivalent amounts of milk and yogurt to subjects. Those subjects who consumed yogurt showed considerably better lactose absorption than those who consumed milk alone.
Yogurt and Vulvovaginal Candidal (Yeast) Infections
Yogurt and Vulvovaginal Candidal (Yeast) Infections
This study assessed whether daily ingestion of yogurt containingLactobacillus acidophilus prevents Vulvovaginal Candidal infections, commonly known as yeast infections. The study, conducted by E. Hilton et. al. (Ann. Intern. Med. 1992 March 1: 116 [5] 353-7), found that such yogurt consumption decreased infections three-fold. The study concluded that eating eight ounces of yogurt containing L. acidophilus on a daily basis decreases candidal colonization and infection.
Cultural Model for Healthy Eating
Cultural Model for Healthy Eating
Research has shown that populations in the Mediterranean regions, particularly Greece and Southern Italy, in the early 1960s have had the highest adult life expectancies due to lifestyle factors. Additionally, they have had the lowest incidences of coronary heart disease, certain cancers, and other diet-related diseases. The study by Beaudouin et. al. (Am J. Clin. Nutr. 1995 Jun: 1402S-1406S) cited the region's lowfat diet containing yogurt as being one of the major health benefits of a Mediterranean lifestyle, along with regular physical activity.
Childhood Diarrhea and Milk Products
Childhood Diarrhea and Milk Products
Babies are less likely to experience childhood diarrhea if given breast milk without interruption throughout their infancy. On the other hand, according to a study conducted by J.L. Lembcke (Acta Paediatr. Suppl. 1992 Sept: 381 87-92), infants and children fed with non-human milks tend to have more severe illness than those receiving milk-free or lactose - limited formulas. The exception to this rule is fermented milk products, such as yogurt, which may reduce the severity of lactose malabsorption. Additional information is needed to substantiate yogurt's positive effects on acute childhood diarrhea.
Colon Cancer and Yogurt
Colon Cancer and Yogurt
More than 1,400 subjects with colon cancer from the Los Angeles area were examined in a study that sought to determine which foods were associated with a reduced risk of colon cancer. Results (R.K. Peters; Cancer Causes Control 1992 Sept; 3[5] 457-73) indicated that yogurt intake is associated with a significantly decreased risk of colon cancer.
Cancer Chemotherapy Patients and Yogurt
Cancer Chemotherapy Patients and Yogurt
Lactose malabsorption, a common side-effect among cancer patients who undergo chemotherapy, may be lessened by a diet high in yogurt, according to a study by the University of Naples Department of Pediatrics (M. Pettoello-Mantovani. et. al.; J. Pediatr Gastroenterol Nutr. 1995 Feb: 189-95). The study, which tested 20 children during cancer chemotherapy, concluded that there is a decrease in lactose malabsorption when yogurt is given to subjects as part of their treatment.
*The information contained in this section is intended to provide a balanced presentation of health-related information, including emerging scientific information. Because studies may be preliminary and ongoing, readers should not interpret this information as conclusive. This information does not constitute labeling or advertising for any specific products, and is not intended to endorse any particular products or types of products."
Thursday, September 6, 2012

August 4, I faced a major surgery. Being a doctor does not exclude me from having fears that I might not be able to wake up post op or that my histopath would be malignant since I have inside me a very fast growing tumor. I thank God that I am still here writing this post.
Its my fault I pushed myself to the limit I went back to work a week after my surgery. 14 days later I was crippled with this excruciating pain in my post operative site that I was not able to report for duty.
"Physical pain obviously serves a purpose: It's uncomfortable and distressing, but it's a signal that something's wrong, that we need to take action to fix it," says UCLA psychologist Naomi Eisenberger.
I then decided that I should be taking care of my health if I wanted to take care of my patients and my family. I then filed an emergency 60-day leave which I am entitled to according to the Magna Carta for Women.
I announced my leave to my co workers today at morning gathering
" Good Morning!"
I have a few announcements to make. Please bear with me this will not take so much of your time.
I will be leaving you for a while.
As you all know I underwent major surgery last August 4 and thinking I can recover within a week I went back to work besides I was shy to ask the bosses for longer leave because I am not an employee I dont have leave credits. But last August 28 I exprerienced severe pain on my post operative site that I was not able to report. Last Tuesday I asked the boss to grant me a 60 day leave and I am very thankful they understood my situation. So yesterday I had a check up with my OB-GYN to make my leave official. So I am filling my emergency leave effective Sept 11.
I am telling you this for 2 reasons.
1. For patient scheduling, for old patients that I am treating please coordinate it with me ahead so I can squeeze them all in one day if possible. For new patients just give them to the doctor on duty. For gyne cases like genital warts please please schedule them after I come back so I can maximize my leave. In case we don't have any other options just let me know and I will drop by to see the patient.
2. The other reason is I don't want you to assume, pressume and speculate. I am not suspended. I am not terminated. I am not asked to resign. I want to stress this out because I dont want you to be spreading wrong things about me.
Regarding the incident last Friday, I did not claim excess OT, I only claimed what I work for. I provided the bosses a copy of my OT with the list of the names of the patients and the excat number of hours I treat them. If you want to see it I can provide you a copy. I am thankful to have bosses who does not believe in the accusations. They knew where the problem is coming from.
I worked hard to establish my name and I will never let anyone destroy it. I will not damage my name and reputation for a small amount of money. Like you I can only request for OT pay. It is not my fault if the money was released without the signature of the boss.
Hindi ba kayo nahihiya kapwa tayo Filipino nagsisiraan tayo para magpalakas sa boss? ( Arent you ashamed we are fellow Filipinos yet we stab each other at the back just to get the bosses attention)
I am sorry If I am crying. My husband told me not to cry but I really felt bad with whats happening. Since Friday I have been hearing rumors about me and it is only today that I redeem myself.
While on leave I will still work for the company. I will continue to work with the marketing for the stretchmark promo, I will work with creative designs for the website update, I am working with paralegal officer for the machine importation and I am working with International sales manager of IPS for the distributorship. These are the things I do for the company at no extra cost. So if you have any concerns about these just let me know.
For those who wished and prayed hard for me to leave the company I am sorry to disappoint you. Those who prayed hard for me to have a different fate, I suggest you pray harder...pray harder.
If you want a copy of what I said I can provide you so there will no addition and deduction of words.
Thank you for your time and I hope when I come back there will be a more harmonious relationship here. See you all on November 10."
That was my speech. It showed that emotional pain is more painful than physical pain.Though emotional pain and physical pain share the same neural pathway. I think words hurt more especially if the words are not true.
Nice post from this link:
excerpt of which is...
"People talk about the sting of social rejection as if it were a physical pain. We feel "burned" by a partner's infidelity, "wounded" by a friend's harsh words, "crushed" when a loved one fails us, "heartache" when spurned by a lover.
There's a reason for that linguistic conflation, says a growing community of pain researchers: In our brains too, physical and social pain share much the same neural circuitry. In many ways, in fact, your brain may scarcely make a distinction between a verbal and physical insult."
Let me end this post with a saying from a psychologist...
"I think we can say the same about social pain: It motivates us to reconnect socially and avoid social rejection in the future."-says UCLA psychologist Naomi Eisenberger
Sunday, August 12, 2012
PANDORA'S BOX: The Way to a Woman's Heart...
It's an old cliche that " the way to a man's heart is through his stomach" but how about the way to a woman's heart. Is it only the woman who thinks about how to get close to the man of her dreams? WRONG!!
Men also find ways on how to get the woman of their dreams or if they have them how to maintain them. There is this Pandora's System created by Vin DiCarlo that helps men on their dating strategies with women. For a price of $69.95 it promises to get you any woman that you dreamed of having, no matter how you look or how old you are.
It's insane why men will resort to this stuff..are they really that desperate? The world has a ratio of 2:1 women more than men so its impossible not to have one for you.
Pandora's Box is an artifact in Greek mythology, taken from the myth of Pandora's creation in Hesiod's Works and Days. The "box" was actually a large jar given to Pandora ("all-gifted", "all-giving"),which contained all the evils of the world. Today, to open Pandora's box means to create evil that cannot be undone.
In classical Greek mythology, Pandora was the first woman on Earth. Zeus ordered Hephaestus, the god of craftsmanship, to create her, so he did—using water and Earth. The gods endowed her with many gifts: Athena clothed her, Aphrodite gave her beauty, and Hermes gave her speech.
When Prometheus stole fire from heaven, Zeus took vengeance by presenting Pandora to Epimetheus, Prometheus' brother. With her, Pandora was given a beautiful container which she was not to open under any circumstance. Impelled by her curiosity given to her by the gods, Pandora opened it, and all evil contained therein escaped and spread over the earth. She hastened to close the container, but the whole contents had escaped, except for one thing that lay at the bottom, which was the Spirit of Hope named Elpis. Pandora was deeply saddened by what she had done, and was afraid that she would have to face Zeus' wrath, since she had failed her duty; however, Zeus did not punish Pandora, because he knew this would happen.
I will list down 3 things women want and this is based on my personal experience and the experiences of my patients mentioned to me during counselling.
1. Women are attracted to men who are emotionally mature. Although some women like men get attracted visually too, a greater percentage of women look beyond the physical attributes. Who wouldn't want someone who looked like Brad Pitt or Ian Somerhalder? almost if not all do but would you want an immature Brad Pitt or a childish Ian Somerhalder? OF COURSE NOT!! The " looks" is a bonus. It's a man's maturity that attracts women the most. We wanted someone who can take care of us.
2. Women like men who carry themselves well, never insecure. Some men are very protective and jealous of other men and it boils down to insecurity. It only happens if you are not confident about yourself and with your relationship.
3. Women are shallow. All women wanted flowers and chocolates and the sweetness that goes along with it. Women wanted being appreciated and accepted for what they are. If you have a partner who gained weight after giving birth it is not their fault. I have several patients desperate to get rid of their bulging bellies or their stretchmarks because they have fears that their partners might look at other women. Men should make their women feel appreciated. Men should see beyond those bulging bellies and unwanted stretchmarks.
So a way to a woman's heart is not through PANDORA's BOX. It being who you are (no pretensions) and willing to change the negative aspects of your personality for the better but not to change yourself just to please the one you love.
Besides if you are on the mission to get the woman you want, remember not to force anything because if you are meant to be, the situation will be going in your favor. Love is something not forced.
If you have your woman already, keeping her by your side would be easy by making her feel that she is the luckiest woman in the world by having you. So it boils down not on pleasing your woman but by making her feel you love her completely.
Men also find ways on how to get the woman of their dreams or if they have them how to maintain them. There is this Pandora's System created by Vin DiCarlo that helps men on their dating strategies with women. For a price of $69.95 it promises to get you any woman that you dreamed of having, no matter how you look or how old you are.
It's insane why men will resort to this stuff..are they really that desperate? The world has a ratio of 2:1 women more than men so its impossible not to have one for you.
Pandora's Box is an artifact in Greek mythology, taken from the myth of Pandora's creation in Hesiod's Works and Days. The "box" was actually a large jar given to Pandora ("all-gifted", "all-giving"),which contained all the evils of the world. Today, to open Pandora's box means to create evil that cannot be undone.
In classical Greek mythology, Pandora was the first woman on Earth. Zeus ordered Hephaestus, the god of craftsmanship, to create her, so he did—using water and Earth. The gods endowed her with many gifts: Athena clothed her, Aphrodite gave her beauty, and Hermes gave her speech.
When Prometheus stole fire from heaven, Zeus took vengeance by presenting Pandora to Epimetheus, Prometheus' brother. With her, Pandora was given a beautiful container which she was not to open under any circumstance. Impelled by her curiosity given to her by the gods, Pandora opened it, and all evil contained therein escaped and spread over the earth. She hastened to close the container, but the whole contents had escaped, except for one thing that lay at the bottom, which was the Spirit of Hope named Elpis. Pandora was deeply saddened by what she had done, and was afraid that she would have to face Zeus' wrath, since she had failed her duty; however, Zeus did not punish Pandora, because he knew this would happen.
I will list down 3 things women want and this is based on my personal experience and the experiences of my patients mentioned to me during counselling.
1. Women are attracted to men who are emotionally mature. Although some women like men get attracted visually too, a greater percentage of women look beyond the physical attributes. Who wouldn't want someone who looked like Brad Pitt or Ian Somerhalder? almost if not all do but would you want an immature Brad Pitt or a childish Ian Somerhalder? OF COURSE NOT!! The " looks" is a bonus. It's a man's maturity that attracts women the most. We wanted someone who can take care of us.
2. Women like men who carry themselves well, never insecure. Some men are very protective and jealous of other men and it boils down to insecurity. It only happens if you are not confident about yourself and with your relationship.
3. Women are shallow. All women wanted flowers and chocolates and the sweetness that goes along with it. Women wanted being appreciated and accepted for what they are. If you have a partner who gained weight after giving birth it is not their fault. I have several patients desperate to get rid of their bulging bellies or their stretchmarks because they have fears that their partners might look at other women. Men should make their women feel appreciated. Men should see beyond those bulging bellies and unwanted stretchmarks.
So a way to a woman's heart is not through PANDORA's BOX. It being who you are (no pretensions) and willing to change the negative aspects of your personality for the better but not to change yourself just to please the one you love.
Besides if you are on the mission to get the woman you want, remember not to force anything because if you are meant to be, the situation will be going in your favor. Love is something not forced.
If you have your woman already, keeping her by your side would be easy by making her feel that she is the luckiest woman in the world by having you. So it boils down not on pleasing your woman but by making her feel you love her completely.
Monday, May 21, 2012
Loving Someone Unconditionally...
They say that "a woman is like a tea bag you will never know how strong she is unless you put her in hot water"
Loving someone is not easy...it includes understanding, patience, sacrifice and when you love unconditionally you don't expect anything in return..
Have you ever loved unconditionally?
I have found this beautiful poem in the internet written anonymously. I felt that she loved him unconditionally no matter how he treats her. She loved him just the same and more.
Let me share it with you.
I have loved someone unconditionally.Have you?
... I tell you it makes me feel good but it also hurts...
For him I wanted to become the best person I can be.
I wanted to be the person he dreamed of spending his lifetime with.
Someone who will always understand him
Someone who will always support him in his work.
Someone who promised him to be always there whenever he needed me.
Someone who will always make love to him whenever he wanted to.
Someone who will never leave his side and will love him forever.
Today, I realized it was such a big responsibility.
I get hurt several times but I have never given up
I will never give up on him
I will only leave if he wanted me to get out of his life.
I have showered him with all the love I can give to the best that I could
I am not expecting him to do the same.
But sometimes sad days happens
when you as a person also wanted to feel the same attention you are giving.
It feels heavy on the chest but you can't do anything but hold on
I wanted him to be happy and to feel good,
for me to fill the missing pieces in his life
and make him a better person
I wanted him to be proud of himself
and for him to know that I make a big difference in his life.
Sometimes I loose hope because situation sucks
and I have to wait for things to get better.
Loving him is a sacrifice.
I have waited for so many hours just to be with him and yet
I have to wait some more for a few minutes he can spare.
And since I don't want him to feel the pressure
I have to give way and let go.
I am not asking for so much...
and yet after all those waiting it seems very hard for him
to tell me how much he loves me...not even once today..
Not even once today did he tell me he loves me.
I never failed to tell him how much I love him.
Sometimes I even feel he doesn't feel it anymore because he often hears it.
If he only said it once today..
It could've changed the way I feel
It could've make me feel better
I could've have stayed waiting even if he bury himself at work
or leave his desk for a chain of meetings
I could've waited just like what I usually do.
And I would always understand.
He doesn't know that just watching him is fine with me.
But since I don't want to add pressure to his work
I gave him space.
I don't want to think that he has changed.
Before he would tell me I don't disturb him
and it is ok for me to stay
but today he never said anything...
so there's nothing left for me to do but leave.
I chose to love him unconditionally
so I have no right to demand for a little time
or expect him to treat me just the same.
Like a tea bag he puts me in hot water and it makes me stronger
but like a tea bag the longer you put it in hot water
it looses its taste.
I don't want this to happen to me
I don't want to loose this "love" I have for him
I will never let it happen to us.
And even if I get hurt
I will continue loving him unconditionally...
This is my commitment...
And I will hold on to it as long as I can.
I hope that it is not so hard like this to love someone unconditionally.
I have loved my husband with my whole heart but with it are the many conditions that binds our marriage. I hope I will learn to love him unconditionally without expecting anything in return.
Loving someone is not easy...it includes understanding, patience, sacrifice and when you love unconditionally you don't expect anything in return..
Have you ever loved unconditionally?
I have found this beautiful poem in the internet written anonymously. I felt that she loved him unconditionally no matter how he treats her. She loved him just the same and more.
Let me share it with you.
I have loved someone unconditionally.Have you?
... I tell you it makes me feel good but it also hurts...
For him I wanted to become the best person I can be.
I wanted to be the person he dreamed of spending his lifetime with.
Someone who will always understand him
Someone who will always support him in his work.
Someone who promised him to be always there whenever he needed me.
Someone who will always make love to him whenever he wanted to.
Someone who will never leave his side and will love him forever.
Today, I realized it was such a big responsibility.
I get hurt several times but I have never given up
I will never give up on him
I will only leave if he wanted me to get out of his life.
I have showered him with all the love I can give to the best that I could
I am not expecting him to do the same.
But sometimes sad days happens
when you as a person also wanted to feel the same attention you are giving.
It feels heavy on the chest but you can't do anything but hold on
I wanted him to be happy and to feel good,
for me to fill the missing pieces in his life
and make him a better person
I wanted him to be proud of himself
and for him to know that I make a big difference in his life.
Sometimes I loose hope because situation sucks
and I have to wait for things to get better.
Loving him is a sacrifice.
I have waited for so many hours just to be with him and yet
I have to wait some more for a few minutes he can spare.
And since I don't want him to feel the pressure
I have to give way and let go.
I am not asking for so much...
and yet after all those waiting it seems very hard for him
to tell me how much he loves me...not even once today..
Not even once today did he tell me he loves me.
I never failed to tell him how much I love him.
Sometimes I even feel he doesn't feel it anymore because he often hears it.
If he only said it once today..
It could've changed the way I feel
It could've make me feel better
I could've have stayed waiting even if he bury himself at work
or leave his desk for a chain of meetings
I could've waited just like what I usually do.
And I would always understand.
He doesn't know that just watching him is fine with me.
But since I don't want to add pressure to his work
I gave him space.
I don't want to think that he has changed.
Before he would tell me I don't disturb him
and it is ok for me to stay
but today he never said anything...
so there's nothing left for me to do but leave.
I chose to love him unconditionally
so I have no right to demand for a little time
or expect him to treat me just the same.
Like a tea bag he puts me in hot water and it makes me stronger
but like a tea bag the longer you put it in hot water
it looses its taste.
I don't want this to happen to me
I don't want to loose this "love" I have for him
I will never let it happen to us.
And even if I get hurt
I will continue loving him unconditionally...
This is my commitment...
And I will hold on to it as long as I can.
I hope that it is not so hard like this to love someone unconditionally.
I have loved my husband with my whole heart but with it are the many conditions that binds our marriage. I hope I will learn to love him unconditionally without expecting anything in return.
Tuesday, May 15, 2012
How to Achieve Orgasm and enjoy every minute of it!
In so many years that I have been counseling couples, I have learned how to explain facts by sharing my own experiences. It is my way of connecting to my patients. For them not to feel intimidated sharing their sexual experiences I have to reach out first and make them feel comfortable to open up. And I have mastered this breaking the ice thing.I always believed that for me to be able to relate I myself should know what I am talking about.
2. Set the mood. Making love is not the time to talk about differences otherwise you will ruin everything and not achieve your goals. By setting the mood I mean make the moment conducive to making love. Romantic couples would scatter rose petals, light up scented candles or play sweet music. This is quite ideal and moving for new couples but in long term relationship sometimes what is difficult is to keep the fire burning.
What sets the mood for me and which lures me further in wanting to consummate the act is simple, it is a point when he would look deeply in my eyes and communicate how much he wanted me, it triggers an electrical reaction that send shivers down my spine, my mind spinning and telling me I love this person so much and I wanted to do this act with him.
If you condition your mind like this, you will not have a hard time reaching your orgasm..In short, dictate the brain in what you wanted to achieve.
5. The aftermath. The feeling of achieving climax is one of the most wonderful feeling. The sexual act is not only about sex its about the many psychological effect the act gives you. The feeling of something contacting inside you and something being released inside you is an affirmation of love , security and trust.
For me, the fact that I was able to make my partner come is a big reward because it means I never lost my femininity that I was able to bring him to the end, that I still have that effect on him and it assures me that he would not look for someone else to satisfy him.
The fast heartbeat, all the sweating and gasping is a state of total emotional euphoria. If you have achieved orgasm this is how you will feel but if not you will feel the opposite, irritated and pissed off.
Some say that talking about sex is uncalled for, this is where inhibitions come in..this is when you cannot achieve an orgasm.
6. The after glow. It is true that achieving an orgasm changes everything and releases everything. Releases tension and stress, it gives you a happy outlook and thinking of the sexual act you did should inspire you to repeat it again. That's a good prelude to the next encounter.
for personal questions email me at docseree@hotmail.com.
Do you wonder why most of the mothers wanted a pediatrician who is also a mom? it is because they wanted someone who can feel what they feel when their child is sick..its easier to understand if you have the experience.
How can I be talking about orgasms to patients when I myself have not experienced it?
I remember one patient of mine who have children already and she opened up to me that until now she doesn't know how to achieve orgasm. I was not shocked but I pity her so much.
(The following paragraphs are very sensitive please continue reading if you don't get offended easily with erotic words)
First for you to be able to know if you achieved orgasm you must know how it feels. Its good to read books and surf the internet so you know the varied experiences. But attainment of pleasure differs. What is pleasurable for me may not be pleasurable to you.
(The following paragraphs are very sensitive please continue reading if you don't get offended easily with erotic words)
First for you to be able to know if you achieved orgasm you must know how it feels. Its good to read books and surf the internet so you know the varied experiences. But attainment of pleasure differs. What is pleasurable for me may not be pleasurable to you.
There are actually ways on how to achieve orgasm:
1. Explore yourself...know your trigger points...by trigger points I mean the points that makes you weak...you should be able to identify them even without the help of your partner.
For me, I get aroused by the following:
For me, I get aroused by the following:
- A whisper in the ear or feeling the breathing of my partner in the sides and back of my neck.
- A kiss in the neck
- A lick in the earlobe
2. Set the mood. Making love is not the time to talk about differences otherwise you will ruin everything and not achieve your goals. By setting the mood I mean make the moment conducive to making love. Romantic couples would scatter rose petals, light up scented candles or play sweet music. This is quite ideal and moving for new couples but in long term relationship sometimes what is difficult is to keep the fire burning.
What sets the mood for me and which lures me further in wanting to consummate the act is simple, it is a point when he would look deeply in my eyes and communicate how much he wanted me, it triggers an electrical reaction that send shivers down my spine, my mind spinning and telling me I love this person so much and I wanted to do this act with him.
If you condition your mind like this, you will not have a hard time reaching your orgasm..In short, dictate the brain in what you wanted to achieve.
2. Let the hand do the talking...caressing is important. While men are stimulated visually, women are fond of touch. Let your partner move his hands from your neck to your breast and playing with the nipples, cupping each breast gently and then guide it to the waist and down the main target sometimes its more romantic if you put your hand on top of his caressing hand to make him feel you allow him to explore and to give the signal that you want what he is doing at the same time dominating without offending him by guiding his hands on the part that you wanted him to touch
you would wonder why I am detailing what seems to be a prelude to sexual act. It is because all of these are important to achieving orgasm...
and if your partner combine 1 and 2...you will notice your heart beats faster and faster...
even by just reading this post seriously I know I have triggered your sexual desire. If you do, then you are on the right track because this feeling, what you are feeling right now should be the exact same feeling you should have during the sexual act. Fast heartbeat, pounding chest, dry throat and lips, maybe a hard nipple and a slightly wet feeling down below and the desire to have your love one with you or even the desire to play with yourself. If you achieved this it would not be hard for you to achieve orgasm.
even by just reading this post seriously I know I have triggered your sexual desire. If you do, then you are on the right track because this feeling, what you are feeling right now should be the exact same feeling you should have during the sexual act. Fast heartbeat, pounding chest, dry throat and lips, maybe a hard nipple and a slightly wet feeling down below and the desire to have your love one with you or even the desire to play with yourself. If you achieved this it would not be hard for you to achieve orgasm.
3. Communication is important. This is the key to a happy sexual life. You should communicate with your partner what you want and what you prefer. It is not bad to be adventurous and try different ways to make love but there would always be one which both of you likes best.
I personally like to be in control...only come if I dictate the pace, the moves. So you could guess the position that I like best...Yes! on top...
I personally like to be in control...only come if I dictate the pace, the moves. So you could guess the position that I like best...Yes! on top...
Women naturally achieve orgasm longer. Men should be patient to do the foreplay however to sustain the urge the woman should reciprocate. It is not enough that women allow their partners to stimulate them to the point of exhausting them and make them loose their appetite. You should touch back..kiss..move with his touch and say erotic words to keep the fire burning. Otherwise you both will end up pissed off.
It takes experience to determine if your partner is about to come...and holding the orgasm makes it even more enjoyable and pleasurable...this part you should learn to master if you want to come together.
4. Compliment your partner but never fake orgasms...because if you do who lost in the end?...It is not good to pretend that you came just to satisfy your partner even if you don't. Remember you need to achieve orgasm for yourself and all the benefits it have and not just to please your partner.
5. The aftermath. The feeling of achieving climax is one of the most wonderful feeling. The sexual act is not only about sex its about the many psychological effect the act gives you. The feeling of something contacting inside you and something being released inside you is an affirmation of love , security and trust.
For me, the fact that I was able to make my partner come is a big reward because it means I never lost my femininity that I was able to bring him to the end, that I still have that effect on him and it assures me that he would not look for someone else to satisfy him.
The fast heartbeat, all the sweating and gasping is a state of total emotional euphoria. If you have achieved orgasm this is how you will feel but if not you will feel the opposite, irritated and pissed off.
Some say that talking about sex is uncalled for, this is where inhibitions come in..this is when you cannot achieve an orgasm.
6. The after glow. It is true that achieving an orgasm changes everything and releases everything. Releases tension and stress, it gives you a happy outlook and thinking of the sexual act you did should inspire you to repeat it again. That's a good prelude to the next encounter.
for personal questions email me at docseree@hotmail.com.
sexual act
VAGINAL PAIN AND DRYNESS...A Hindrance in Achieving an Orgasm
Orgasm is a state of heightened sexual satisfaction. It is a sudden discharge of accumulated sexual tension resulting in rhythmic muscular contractions in the pelvic region characterized by an intense sensation of pleasure.
They are often associated with muscular spasms in multiple areas of the body, a general euphoric sensation. The period after orgasm is often a relaxing experience.
What benefits do we get from having an orgasm?
-It can relax you when you are stressed, it produces a calming effect.
-It can make you sleepy when you are tossing and turning.
-It can brighten your day and put you in a good mood.
-In addition to stress relief and helping you to relax so you can fall asleep, an orgasm helps you in other aspects of your well being.
-Several studies show that having an orgasm can work as a natural pain reliever. When you have an orgasm, endorphins are released by your body during sex and can help to increase your tolerance of pain.
-Orgasms can also help you burn calories. Certain research also shows that having an orgasm can calm your cravings for junk food as well as cigarettes, which is a very positive thing.
Now knowing all the benefits of orgasm would you deprive yourself of it?
Vaginal dryness and pain on intercourse are the things that will hinder you from achieving your orgasm.
This occur when you are not very well stimulated or if you are nearing menopause. For the first one, the solution is simple know your weak points, condition your mind, communicate with your partner (read my post on how to achieve orgasm and enjoy every minute of it) to give you a longer foreplay but it is only a temporary solution
If you want to have a long secure relationship you must choose a solution that would change the way you look at yourself and the way your partner sees you.
The MonaLisa Touch is a unique treatment that would solve vaginal dryness and pain on intercourse. It is a non surgical treatment that only trained specialists can do. No painful vaginal surgery, no limitation of sexual activity, no hormonal replacement therapy.
Ask your gynecologist about it.
They are often associated with muscular spasms in multiple areas of the body, a general euphoric sensation. The period after orgasm is often a relaxing experience.
What benefits do we get from having an orgasm?
-It can relax you when you are stressed, it produces a calming effect.
-It can make you sleepy when you are tossing and turning.
-It can brighten your day and put you in a good mood.
-In addition to stress relief and helping you to relax so you can fall asleep, an orgasm helps you in other aspects of your well being.
-Several studies show that having an orgasm can work as a natural pain reliever. When you have an orgasm, endorphins are released by your body during sex and can help to increase your tolerance of pain.
-Orgasms can also help you burn calories. Certain research also shows that having an orgasm can calm your cravings for junk food as well as cigarettes, which is a very positive thing.
Now knowing all the benefits of orgasm would you deprive yourself of it?
Vaginal dryness and pain on intercourse are the things that will hinder you from achieving your orgasm.
This occur when you are not very well stimulated or if you are nearing menopause. For the first one, the solution is simple know your weak points, condition your mind, communicate with your partner (read my post on how to achieve orgasm and enjoy every minute of it) to give you a longer foreplay but it is only a temporary solution
If you want to have a long secure relationship you must choose a solution that would change the way you look at yourself and the way your partner sees you.
The MonaLisa Touch is a unique treatment that would solve vaginal dryness and pain on intercourse. It is a non surgical treatment that only trained specialists can do. No painful vaginal surgery, no limitation of sexual activity, no hormonal replacement therapy.
Ask your gynecologist about it.
Saturday, May 12, 2012
You are reading my post because of two reasons, either you are intrigued if you really have an obligation or if you wanted to know the answers. Several people would react to my post and say in a sexual relationship no one is really obligated because a sexual act should be done in freewill. YES that is true. But the situation becomes different if you are in marriage. Part of your obligation as a wife is to fulfill the sexual needs of your husband. Of course it should also be mutual and not forced but you should be aware that such responsibility exists.
Do you know the reasons why most women especially those in their 40's refuse to have regular sexual activity with their husbands?
I have been an OB-GYN for 9 years already and I have encountered complaints from patients why they refuse to do the sexual act.
1. They feel pain on intercourse
2. They are not sexually aroused anymore
3. They feel vaginal dryness no matter how long the foreplay is and because of that there is difficulty in penetration which causes their husbands penis to die down upon entry.
Do you know that as man's age reached 40, the more they become sexually aggressive? As wives, you have to be able to sustain your sexual relation with your husband at this particular stage otherwise you will push them to find gratification from other women.
To start you may ask yourself these questions:
1. Have you ever felt pain during sexual intercourse?
2. Have you had less sex with your partner?
3. Have you felt vaginal dryness?
4. Have you forgotten to achieve orgasm?
If your answer is yes to any of the above. You should seek help but should not be worried. Contrary to what you formerly believed that Menopause or Perimenopause is a stage you cannot escape we now have solutions to the symptoms of menopause especially those that are sexually related.
Some patients justified their sexual incapacities and blame it on the menopausal stage. Some resort to hormonal replacement therapy just to be able to maintain their youthful glow however HRT are harmful with prolonged use.
I am very lucky to have attended this Vulvovaginal Laser Reshaping Course in Florence, Italy. It is a non surgical way to help you achieve sexual gratification by resolving the symptoms of dryness and pain. DEKA's new innovative technology that touches on the most intimate needs of a women will definitely help save relationships especially between husband's and wives.
Now you won't have any reason to say no to your partner and your husband won't have any more reason to find satisfaction from another woman.
This DEKA TECHNOLOGY that would Rejuvenate your vagina is UNIQUE in the world. All DEKA innovations are supported with clinical trials that means it has a scientific basis. It would be available soon in the PHILIPPINES and only at SHINAGAWA.
To be updated on this check their facebook account.
or email the author here
Do you know the reasons why most women especially those in their 40's refuse to have regular sexual activity with their husbands?
I have been an OB-GYN for 9 years already and I have encountered complaints from patients why they refuse to do the sexual act.
1. They feel pain on intercourse
2. They are not sexually aroused anymore
3. They feel vaginal dryness no matter how long the foreplay is and because of that there is difficulty in penetration which causes their husbands penis to die down upon entry.
Do you know that as man's age reached 40, the more they become sexually aggressive? As wives, you have to be able to sustain your sexual relation with your husband at this particular stage otherwise you will push them to find gratification from other women.
To start you may ask yourself these questions:
1. Have you ever felt pain during sexual intercourse?
2. Have you had less sex with your partner?
3. Have you felt vaginal dryness?
4. Have you forgotten to achieve orgasm?
If your answer is yes to any of the above. You should seek help but should not be worried. Contrary to what you formerly believed that Menopause or Perimenopause is a stage you cannot escape we now have solutions to the symptoms of menopause especially those that are sexually related.
Some patients justified their sexual incapacities and blame it on the menopausal stage. Some resort to hormonal replacement therapy just to be able to maintain their youthful glow however HRT are harmful with prolonged use.
I am very lucky to have attended this Vulvovaginal Laser Reshaping Course in Florence, Italy. It is a non surgical way to help you achieve sexual gratification by resolving the symptoms of dryness and pain. DEKA's new innovative technology that touches on the most intimate needs of a women will definitely help save relationships especially between husband's and wives.
Now you won't have any reason to say no to your partner and your husband won't have any more reason to find satisfaction from another woman.
This DEKA TECHNOLOGY that would Rejuvenate your vagina is UNIQUE in the world. All DEKA innovations are supported with clinical trials that means it has a scientific basis. It would be available soon in the PHILIPPINES and only at SHINAGAWA.
To be updated on this check their facebook account.
or email the author here
On Mother's Day....my own " Mother's Day"
TODAY is Mother's Day all around the world....so I decided to delay my "CIAO ITALIA" travelogue to post this....
Being a sentimental mother you would somehow expect to wake up with a surprise just like what you see in the movies...husband cooking a special breakfast..a bouquet of flower, chocolates and love notes on the table or maybe a breakfast in bed. Cards from your children or just being extra nice to mommy during this day.
If all mothers would have the same expectations everytime during mother's day, all would wake up to dissappointment. I would rather wake up to reality...to the usual day than expect something special when people seem to be too nice in just one day just because it's " MOTHER'S DAY" then suddenly reverts back to normal the following day.
So what is mother's day celebration really all about?
in my readings..mother's day was proclaimed official on May 8, 1914 by President Woodrow Wilson through the efforts of Anna Jarvis who fought for recognition of mothers and that one day be devoted to them.
So it is in essence thanking your mother for taking care of you and for proper upbringing. This should be initiated by the ones who are being thankful. Admit it that days before mother's day, being a mother you expect your children to celebrate that day with you and you expect your husband to greet you as a sign of gratitude for rearing his children. Only a hypocrite would say she did not expect something different on this day.
I on the other hand expected something different. Since I have known my husband for 13 years and realized that he is not that kind of person who is literally "romantic"(..the last time I received a bouquet of white roses from him was April 27, 1998) I never expected flowers on this day. And because when he was courting me he only have written less than 10 love letters, why would I expect a love note on this day?. And chocolates? impossible because I have lots of Swiss Chocolates in the fridge from my recent travel in Florence. How about a special breakfast? well the maid has instruction already last night to cook hash browns and "longganisa".
So what do I really expect? just a day to spend quality time with my family....no hot heads or raising of voices...but it seems even expecting a little is very hard to achieve...
I woke up 11am...breakfast cooked already by our maid....hubby started to being hot headed again because the maid did not follow instructions and never remembers everything...and I being a cool person who happens to care less about household stuffs than my husband would never stress myself on little things like that.. I told him to cool down a little.
Then here is my daughter crying because daddy scolded him for answering back. I told my baby that daddy is not in the mood because of "yaya" and her answering back which daddy misinterpreted as a sign of disrespect and aggravated the situation even more. Daughter kissed me and greeted me Happy Mother's Day. Now we are in 3 separate corners of the room not talking to each other and facing our own computers.. they said when there is a storm sometimes better to let it pass than brave it. I still have 11 hours to celebrate mother's day but my question is "Should I really be celebrating it just like the people all around the world?". For me, unless people I love would make it really special there is nothing really special on this day.
We as mothers know our role in the family and from the very beginning we have given unconditional love to our husbands and children.We have learned not to expect anything in return. We have mastered the word forgiveness and sacrifice. We have practice self control and have struggled to make home a stress free environment..
So to mother's out there who has not received any special treatment or did not receive gifts never feel bad about it. People(our loved ones) differ, they differ in the way they express themselves..don't expect them to change just to make you happy for one day. Never envy other people and moms for that matter. What is important is you are together as a family and it is all that matters. Would you rather trade places with a mother who received a special greeting and gift from a husband who is miles and miles away working? I'm sure you won't.
So this is my "Mother's Day" to exercise my role in pacifying people around the house just to keep everything balanced..
Today is no extraordinary day...but I am happy being with my family even if we have our own indifferences.
Being a sentimental mother you would somehow expect to wake up with a surprise just like what you see in the movies...husband cooking a special breakfast..a bouquet of flower, chocolates and love notes on the table or maybe a breakfast in bed. Cards from your children or just being extra nice to mommy during this day.
If all mothers would have the same expectations everytime during mother's day, all would wake up to dissappointment. I would rather wake up to reality...to the usual day than expect something special when people seem to be too nice in just one day just because it's " MOTHER'S DAY" then suddenly reverts back to normal the following day.
So what is mother's day celebration really all about?
in my readings..mother's day was proclaimed official on May 8, 1914 by President Woodrow Wilson through the efforts of Anna Jarvis who fought for recognition of mothers and that one day be devoted to them.
So it is in essence thanking your mother for taking care of you and for proper upbringing. This should be initiated by the ones who are being thankful. Admit it that days before mother's day, being a mother you expect your children to celebrate that day with you and you expect your husband to greet you as a sign of gratitude for rearing his children. Only a hypocrite would say she did not expect something different on this day.
I on the other hand expected something different. Since I have known my husband for 13 years and realized that he is not that kind of person who is literally "romantic"(..the last time I received a bouquet of white roses from him was April 27, 1998) I never expected flowers on this day. And because when he was courting me he only have written less than 10 love letters, why would I expect a love note on this day?. And chocolates? impossible because I have lots of Swiss Chocolates in the fridge from my recent travel in Florence. How about a special breakfast? well the maid has instruction already last night to cook hash browns and "longganisa".
So what do I really expect? just a day to spend quality time with my family....no hot heads or raising of voices...but it seems even expecting a little is very hard to achieve...
I woke up 11am...breakfast cooked already by our maid....hubby started to being hot headed again because the maid did not follow instructions and never remembers everything...and I being a cool person who happens to care less about household stuffs than my husband would never stress myself on little things like that.. I told him to cool down a little.
Then here is my daughter crying because daddy scolded him for answering back. I told my baby that daddy is not in the mood because of "yaya" and her answering back which daddy misinterpreted as a sign of disrespect and aggravated the situation even more. Daughter kissed me and greeted me Happy Mother's Day. Now we are in 3 separate corners of the room not talking to each other and facing our own computers.. they said when there is a storm sometimes better to let it pass than brave it. I still have 11 hours to celebrate mother's day but my question is "Should I really be celebrating it just like the people all around the world?". For me, unless people I love would make it really special there is nothing really special on this day.
We as mothers know our role in the family and from the very beginning we have given unconditional love to our husbands and children.We have learned not to expect anything in return. We have mastered the word forgiveness and sacrifice. We have practice self control and have struggled to make home a stress free environment..
So to mother's out there who has not received any special treatment or did not receive gifts never feel bad about it. People(our loved ones) differ, they differ in the way they express themselves..don't expect them to change just to make you happy for one day. Never envy other people and moms for that matter. What is important is you are together as a family and it is all that matters. Would you rather trade places with a mother who received a special greeting and gift from a husband who is miles and miles away working? I'm sure you won't.
So this is my "Mother's Day" to exercise my role in pacifying people around the house just to keep everything balanced..
Today is no extraordinary day...but I am happy being with my family even if we have our own indifferences.
Thursday, April 12, 2012
Saturday, March 24, 2012
Exactly 42 days today.
It's not easy to like a dress with no available size to fit you. So in 2007, in order to look good and feel confident about myself I went on a very strict diet with no Carbohydrates for a month. I lost weight from 162.8lbs to 153lbs ( read my post here http://docseree.wordpress.com/) but my skin sagged that I needed to enrol in a gym and get a personal trainor just to tone down. Getting a personal trainor even added stress on my eating habits and my budget and a very stressful exercise plan that I needed to follow - doing crunches and lifts. It made me loose another 10 lbs in just a month or 2 but my clinic schedule gets in the way of my gym sessions. I immediately went on a rebound (the usual problem when dieting is involved) and was maintained on 75kgs(165lbs).
In a few days I will be turning 40, I am not getting any younger and coupled with aging is the fact that sooner or later I will have hormonal imbalance. At the age of 32, well that was 8 years ago I started experiencing knee pains. I had diffficulty going up and down the stairs, and whenever I carry something heavy during the day, at night I would experience excruciating pain on my both arms. My ortho/rehab doctor found out that I am Osteopenic and was surprised that I have it at a very young age. Fonterra supplied me with Anlene (thanks for their kindness) and Multicare showered me with Calcium Supplements (Calvit). My latest bone densitometry was normal to date. However, I would still feel occasional pain on my knees.
Early February of this year, I noticed my sister loosing weight. She was previously on Xenical and Lesofat but she never lost weight so obvious that would arouse my senses.At the time of her induction, believe me she was totally gorgeous.
In one way or another, my work also influences me. I am in an Aesthetic Clinic where all the people look good and being fat is not an excuse. How can you promote a machine that offers slimming when patients would see that you are obviously overweight? that would definitely affect your credibility. Plus the fact that I always hear this cleansing diet regimen which even though I am not interested pressures me somehow. Maybe its time that I too should loose weight and be free from all the symptoms and heartaches of being overweight.
So I messaged my sister thru FB that I wanted whatever she was taking. I started mid February. I was very quiet about it I don't want to brag that I'm on a diet because I wanted a test of results. If people notice that I'm loosing weight then its working, if not then I stop this nonsense. People's comment will be my gauge.
True, come March, exactly after 30 days on that regimen, my nurses at HCMC who only see me once or twice a week noticed the changes. My yaya also told me" Ate humahaba yung leeg mo saka may buto ka na" (she was pertaining to my clavicles ).My patients also noticed that I'm loosing weight and its flattering. I myself noticed that my denim jeans which used to be tight fitting is falling off that I needed to wear belts to secure it in place.
Surprisingly one day, Shachou's (Japanese term for President of a company) male friend visited me at Sta Lucia Healthcare Center, he just arrived from a business trip in Singapore. We last saw each other before the Valentine's day and he told me with awe "OMG! Dra. you are looking good and you lost a lot of weight. Is Koji stressing you out?" I laughed uncontrollably and told him "Well sort of.... because I lack sleep, your friend is a night person, even if he is in a different part of the world he messages me in wee hours of the morning that I have to get up and reply. I actually envy his drivers because when he is not here in the Philippines it's their rest day but for me its the opposite I receive more messages when he is not around (I was actually expecting sympathy) but then he replied "Well, the effect was good on you. I will tell Koji to do that more often..hahaha" (grrrr).
But my best measure of all is, when people at Shinagawa (not a place in Japan but the clinic where I work) noticed I'm loosing weight (very seldom that people whom you see almost everyday will notice some changes in you unless that change was really remarkable). They started asking me what am I doing because the change was so drastic. I told them I am undergoing VIORA Sessions (RF treatments we offer in our clinic) on my chin and abdomen (and I really do Darlene Abriam can attest to that) but they did not want to believe me...the situation forced me to tell them my secret.
Honestly, this was the best weight loss regimen I have ever done which showed results immediately. I never have to deprive myself of foods that I love or do crunches. Never experienced loose stools you cannot hold and mood swings. I lost weight on my extremities with no skin sagging. Central obesity which is indeed very stubborn will take a while but for me Shinagawa's Viora Sessions helped me loose weight on the abs and the chin.
I posted this not to brag about my weight loss or promote Anlene and Calvit or Shinagawa's Viora Treatment but to help readers be health conscious and feel good about themselves.
If you think you would benefit from my regimen then feel free to message me and I will gladly share my secret with you.
It's not easy to like a dress with no available size to fit you. So in 2007, in order to look good and feel confident about myself I went on a very strict diet with no Carbohydrates for a month. I lost weight from 162.8lbs to 153lbs ( read my post here http://docseree.wordpress.com/) but my skin sagged that I needed to enrol in a gym and get a personal trainor just to tone down. Getting a personal trainor even added stress on my eating habits and my budget and a very stressful exercise plan that I needed to follow - doing crunches and lifts. It made me loose another 10 lbs in just a month or 2 but my clinic schedule gets in the way of my gym sessions. I immediately went on a rebound (the usual problem when dieting is involved) and was maintained on 75kgs(165lbs).
In a few days I will be turning 40, I am not getting any younger and coupled with aging is the fact that sooner or later I will have hormonal imbalance. At the age of 32, well that was 8 years ago I started experiencing knee pains. I had diffficulty going up and down the stairs, and whenever I carry something heavy during the day, at night I would experience excruciating pain on my both arms. My ortho/rehab doctor found out that I am Osteopenic and was surprised that I have it at a very young age. Fonterra supplied me with Anlene (thanks for their kindness) and Multicare showered me with Calcium Supplements (Calvit). My latest bone densitometry was normal to date. However, I would still feel occasional pain on my knees.
Early February of this year, I noticed my sister loosing weight. She was previously on Xenical and Lesofat but she never lost weight so obvious that would arouse my senses.At the time of her induction, believe me she was totally gorgeous.
In one way or another, my work also influences me. I am in an Aesthetic Clinic where all the people look good and being fat is not an excuse. How can you promote a machine that offers slimming when patients would see that you are obviously overweight? that would definitely affect your credibility. Plus the fact that I always hear this cleansing diet regimen which even though I am not interested pressures me somehow. Maybe its time that I too should loose weight and be free from all the symptoms and heartaches of being overweight.
So I messaged my sister thru FB that I wanted whatever she was taking. I started mid February. I was very quiet about it I don't want to brag that I'm on a diet because I wanted a test of results. If people notice that I'm loosing weight then its working, if not then I stop this nonsense. People's comment will be my gauge.
True, come March, exactly after 30 days on that regimen, my nurses at HCMC who only see me once or twice a week noticed the changes. My yaya also told me" Ate humahaba yung leeg mo saka may buto ka na" (she was pertaining to my clavicles ).My patients also noticed that I'm loosing weight and its flattering. I myself noticed that my denim jeans which used to be tight fitting is falling off that I needed to wear belts to secure it in place.
Surprisingly one day, Shachou's (Japanese term for President of a company) male friend visited me at Sta Lucia Healthcare Center, he just arrived from a business trip in Singapore. We last saw each other before the Valentine's day and he told me with awe "OMG! Dra. you are looking good and you lost a lot of weight. Is Koji stressing you out?" I laughed uncontrollably and told him "Well sort of.... because I lack sleep, your friend is a night person, even if he is in a different part of the world he messages me in wee hours of the morning that I have to get up and reply. I actually envy his drivers because when he is not here in the Philippines it's their rest day but for me its the opposite I receive more messages when he is not around (I was actually expecting sympathy) but then he replied "Well, the effect was good on you. I will tell Koji to do that more often..hahaha" (grrrr).
But my best measure of all is, when people at Shinagawa (not a place in Japan but the clinic where I work) noticed I'm loosing weight (very seldom that people whom you see almost everyday will notice some changes in you unless that change was really remarkable). They started asking me what am I doing because the change was so drastic. I told them I am undergoing VIORA Sessions (RF treatments we offer in our clinic) on my chin and abdomen (and I really do Darlene Abriam can attest to that) but they did not want to believe me...the situation forced me to tell them my secret.
Honestly, this was the best weight loss regimen I have ever done which showed results immediately. I never have to deprive myself of foods that I love or do crunches. Never experienced loose stools you cannot hold and mood swings. I lost weight on my extremities with no skin sagging. Central obesity which is indeed very stubborn will take a while but for me Shinagawa's Viora Sessions helped me loose weight on the abs and the chin.
I posted this not to brag about my weight loss or promote Anlene and Calvit or Shinagawa's Viora Treatment but to help readers be health conscious and feel good about themselves.
If you think you would benefit from my regimen then feel free to message me and I will gladly share my secret with you.
slimming regimen,
weight loss
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